We offer a variety of products at McKay Insurance Service, including:
Medicare Advantage & Hospital Indemnity Plans
Prescription Drug Plans
Employer Sponsored Group
Short-Term Health
Travel Health
Life Insurance, Final Expense & Annuities

Medicare Supplements
Moving from a Group health plan to Medicare is a very confusing time. You are probably getting a ton of mail from different companies and do not understand what plans you need and who to call. If you would like to sit down with someone who understands, and who can get you prices from a number of different companies, please call me. After you meet with me, you will understand your Medicare coverage, how the supplement works with it, and what your monthly costs will be. Since we are a broker, we are able to work with many different companies to ensure that we find you the best deal.

Medicare Advantage & Hospital Indemnity Plans
There are a variety of insurance companies that offer Medicare Advantage plans in our area. These plans operate more like a health insurance plan an employee had when they worked. There are deductibles, copays, and an out of pocket maximum you are responsible for. Under this type of coverage, the customer pays less up front and then pays more as they use the insurance, up to the out of pocket maximum. These plans do have additional benefits rolled into the plan like prescription coverage, dental, vision, and hearing benefits. We also offer Hospital Indemnity plans that pay based on the services you used and help with the out-of-pocket maximum.

Part D Prescription Drug Plans
Prescription drug plans, or Part D, is the final piece in your medicare coverage. If you do not enroll during your initial enrollment period, and do not have creditable drug coverage comparable to Medicare's, then you will pay a penalty when you decide to enroll.You will need to bring a list of your medications with you to the appointment. I used's website to run these reports and I will go through the report and help you enroll.

Employer Sponsored Group Insurance
We help employers offer Group Health Insurance to their employees. We can request quotes from the insurance company, meet with the employees to explain the benefits, and help with deduction reports for your payroll system. We have found that offering Group Health insurance helps retain and attract higher quality employees for your business.

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
We offer help with enrolling you in an ACA plan or reviewing your current plan if you are already enrolled.

Short-Term Health Insurance
We offer Short Term Health Insurance through Blue Cross of Kansas City and United Healthcare. These plans are lower in price, but they do require health underwriting. The plan designs are catastrophic with different deductible levels.
- Blue Cross of Kansas City
- Golden Rule
- Allstate
Travel Health Insurance

If you are traveling outside of the United States, it is a good idea to purchase a health insurance plan for your trip. We can send you a quote from Blue Cross, Geo-Blue. These low cost plans are there in case you need health services while you are on your trip. Many health insurance plans do not cover you outside of the United States. Please check with your current plan before traveling.
Click to get your travel quote today!
Vision/Dental Insurance

We offer individual dental plans through the providers listed below. (Click to get your quote today!)
- Blue Cross of Kansas City
- Ameritas
- Delta Dental
We offer individual vision plans through the providers listed below.
-Delta Vision

Aflac Insurance
We can sell Aflac on an individual basis or through an employer option. This is a great supplement to offer to your employees who cannot afford the individual health insurance premiums, or who want additional coverage to help cover their higher deductibles and copays.

Life Insurance, Final Expense & Annuities
If you would like to protect your family and you don’t know where to start, McKay Insurance Services can help. I am able to provide life insurance rates from a number of different companies for you and answer questions about the application process. I’m here to offer you a variety of different life insurance options, including final expense plans. We offer annuities as another investment vehicle that can provide a fixed return for life.